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Can I get contact lenses after my eye test?

Can I Get Contact Lenses After My Eye Test?

Yes, you can get contact lenses after your eye test, but it’s important to have a contact lens fitting to ensure the lenses are comfortable and suitable for your eyes. After your routine eye exam, if you're interested in wearing contact lenses, your optometrist will perform additional measurements and tests to determine the right type and fit of contact lenses for you.

How Does the Contact Lens Fitting Process Work?

A contact lens fitting is a special part of your eye exam, focusing on finding the best lenses for your eyes and lifestyle. Here’s what to expect:

Types of Contact Lenses Available

At City Optics, we offer a wide range of contact lenses, including:

When Can I Start Wearing My Contact Lenses?

If your fitting goes well, you can usually start wearing your new contact lenses shortly after your eye test. If you’re new to contacts, your optometrist will show you how to insert, remove, and care for your lenses properly. It’s important to follow these instructions to keep your eyes healthy and your lenses comfortable.

City Optics: Contact Lens Experts

At City Optics, we specialise in contact lens fittings for both new and experienced wearers. Whether you want to switch from glasses to contacts or try a new type of lens, we’re here to help you find the perfect fit. With our comprehensive eye tests and contact lens fittings, you’ll leave with lenses that suit your vision and lifestyle needs.

Ready for contact lenses? Click the Book Now button below to schedule your contact lens fitting at City Optics today!

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